
Marital Problems


2012-01-01 03:06

New Delhi,New Delhi,Delhi,India


2012-01-01 00:07

Hisar, Haryana


Answer To Your Question

(Your question: How will be marriage life. There is lot of misunderstanding and confusion.the bond is strong however it’s still not a happy one. Any extramarital relationship is seen?)

Dear Devdutt,

The quick answer to your question is that the period starting from mid-May 2023 will bring a ray of hope in your married life and you may expect some relief in your relationship with your spouse.

Though both of you will require equal efforts to enjoy peace and harmony in your relations. You will be able to sort out the existing issues and problems in your married life during this period. Your chances of getting mental, emotional, and physical satisfaction levels will improve during this period. However, there may not be lasting relief in your relations due to adverse Dasha sequences.

To your knowledge, both of you are under influence of mixed Dasha sequences and planetary transits which may not allow you to enjoy joyful events in your life so easily. So in my opinion you should keep some patience and move ahead with step-wise manners. Because this is just a phase in your life and not a long-term situation. However, if both of you are not handled things carefully, then it may force you towards emotional/physical separation for some time.

As far as extramarital relationship is concerned, your chances of getting the desired happiness are not strong enough. Chances of love/relationship/friendship are better, but you may not take your relationship forward to the next level. Or there are chances that you may face ups and downs in your relationship frequently which may frustrate you. So it's better to focus on your married life instead of love/relationship, as it may affect your social name, fame, and social status.

I hope this answers your question.

The way ahead

The way ahead

I can understand your current condition and in such situations, you may not be able to balance between both of you. So you should try to utilize the said period for more discussions. Discussion is the only solution to the issues between you and your partner. Also, it will develop harmony between both of you. Nothing will happen suddenly or automatically. You both are under influence of the mixed Dasha sequences which is not in your favor and hence there may some unexpected things with delays in your path.

The current transiting Saturn-Rahu and Ketu are not in your favor and this may be the root cause of issues in your path. In your chart, Saturn is passing through the 4th house of happiness which is not in your favor. On the other hand, you are under influence of the Sade Sati phase and mixed Dasha sequences. The above all the transits will remain mixed for both of you.

Your charts and married life

Devdutt, let me tell you some facts about both the charts and planetary influences due to which you are facing a lot of issues and problems in your path.

In your birth chart, the Lord of the 7th house (house of marriage/marital happiness) Jupiter is placed in the 7th house in its sign. The natal Venus and Jupiter are in opposition. Sun-Mars-Ketu is afflicted in the 2nd house of the family. You are under influence of Sun Mahadasha at the moment. These planetary placements are indicating fear of separation/emotional distance between you and your life partner once in your life. It may trigger only during the adverse planetary transits/Dasha sequences. The current phase may not allow you to get the peace and harmony that you desire in your married life so easily.

On the other hand, currently, your partner is under influence of the adverse Dasha sequences. Summarily, after analyzing both charts the current time frame is not comprehensively in your favor and you may not expect peaceful married life at times. But, this is just a phase that will pass on so please be rest assured.

Considering, the charts and the planetary influences in both the chart, I feel that the current conjugal squabble is the result of the inauspicious and malefic planetary transit and return that both of you are experiencing. I foresee that the entire period till mid-May 2023 looks very challenging for your married life. Conjugal frictions and other issues may reign supreme. A lack of love and understanding will prevail between you and your spouse. Though your path will start to improve gradually from mid-May 2023 onward, however, you will feel noticeable improvement from this period.

Chances of distance in your relationship are there in both charts so you need to work on your marriage and may take resort to marriage counseling if required. Also need to adhere to the astrological remedies as recommended below which will help you to manage the problems.

You should practice the suggested remedies to boost your overall fortune. You should wear the Emerald to empower your natal Mercury. The influence of Emerald will help you in getting your desires fulfilled.

Personalized Remedial Solutions

The Primary Solution: The Ideal Most Gemstone For You

After wearing this empowered Emerald gemstone, you are likely to remain involved in gaining knowledge and mental development for many years. As it is your functional benefic planet, your wealth will also increase and you will also accomplish your undertakings successfully and on time. It may also increase the material comforts and pleasures in your life. Overall, this may provide ease of working and general good fortune to you. Most positive side of wearing this gemstone is, you would not run short of money and will also have substantial financial gains at regular interval.

Please Note: For a limited period, we are offering the beautifully designed Panchdhatu Ring, absolutely free of cost! It means, now you only have to pay for the Gemstone!

The Energization Of The Gemstones

It is important to note that a gemstone is powerless unless it is energized in a correct manner. The gemstone needs to be purified and made free of all impurities, before you can wear it.

But, you need not worry about the procedure and rituals, as, we at, have developed a traditional and authentic method to cleanse, energize and attune a gemstone, specially for you! It is based on our deep research and understanding of the Vedas and the related astrological scriptures.

So, the gemstone that you order, WILL BE READY TO WEAR!

Personalized Puja for you:

Further, we also recommend you to avail our Surya Ketu Grahan Dosha Nivarana Puja Service which is very essential to tone down this Dosha.


In Astrology, whenever there is a combination of two planets with conflicting ideologies, then the overall harmony of the Horoscope gets affected. The Sun and Ketu are adverse planets, and the positive energy of the Sun gets blocked due to the restrictive influence of Ketu. Your general prospects for success and progress get affected due to this combine and you will not be able to able exercise your influence well. Despite of having a lot of talent, you will be surrounded by a lot of inhibitions and you may not be able to promote yourself well.

How it works ?

Surya Ketu Grahan Dosh Nivaran Puja includes the Puja of Kalash and other five important deities, namely, Ganesh, Shiva, Matruka, Navagraha, and Pradhan-Devta i.e Ketu and Surya. Puja involves chanting/ reciting Surya (7000 times) and Ketu (17000 times) Bija Mantra. Then, ""HOMA"" (Havan) ritual is performed wherein, Ghee, Seasam, Barley, and other sacred material related to Lord Sun and Ketu will be offered to Agni with reciting 700 Mantras of Surya and 1700 Mantra of Ketu. Yagya / Homa is a significant remedy to remove the evil effect of the Grahan Dosh in your chart. To get maximum positive results, Puja will be performed on the nearest best Muhurat i.e in a Nakshatra of Ketu or Sun and on Sunday. To complete the Puja during the Muhurta, GaneshaSpeaks will appoint a team of 4 priests led by an Acharya who are masters of the Vedic rituals.

Link :-

Click Here

Benefits of this Pooja

- Remove the negative influence of Grahan Dosha
- Pacifying effect of Ketu and enhance the luck factor
- Get protection against false litigations
- Helps to overcome social isolation
- Boost self-confidence and improve your career development
- Improvise personal and professional relationships
- Overcome issues of anger and discontent in life

With Ganesha’s Grace,
Your Personal Astrologer
The Team

Ashtakuta Guna Chart

Koot Boy Girl Max. Marks Marks gained Area of life
Varna Brahmin Kshudra 1.0 1.00 Work
Vashya Jalchar Manav 2.0 Jalchar Dominance
Tara Shubh Shubh 3.0 3.00 Destiny
Yoni Gau Swan 4.0 2.00 Mentality
Grahamaitri Jupiter Mercury 5.0 0.50 Compatibility
Gana Manushya Manushya 6.0 6.00 Guna Level
Bhakoot Meen Mithun 7.0 7.00 Love
Nadi Madhya Adhya 8.0 8.00 Health
Birth Particulars
Gender Male Latitude 28N38
Birth Date 01 Jan 2012 Longitude 77E13
Birth Day Monday Lagna Gemini-9:44:14
Birth Time 03:06 hrs Aynamsh 23:28:16
Birth Place New Delhi Moon Sign Pisces
Country India Birth Nakshatra Uttarabhadrapad
Timezone 0530 hrs Nakshatra Pada 3
Avakhada Chakra (Your Birth Panchang)
Description: The table shown here contains various astrological terms which are obtained from your own Moon's position. Hence, this table is very useful in Vedic Astrology as it shows your own personalized information. This helps the native to determine the compatibility with others.
Birth Yog Sukarma Birth Vasya Jalchar
Birth Karan Taitil Birth Yoni Gau
Birth Varga Simha Birth Gana Manushya
Birth Varna Brahmin Birth Yunja Antya
Birth Tatva Vari Birth Nadi Madhya
Ghaat Chakra
Description: As the name suggests, Ghaat literally means negative or inauspicious. This table shows your personalized negative phenomenon of Panchang in which you should take extra care and precaution. Plus, the suggested day, tithi, month, nakshatra etc... should also be avoided to initiate any new or auspicious work.
Month Falguna Tithi Krishnapanchami
Day Friday Nakshatra Aashlesha
Yog Vajra Karan Chatuspad
Prahar Forth MaleMoon Aquarius
FemaleMoon Aquarius
Lagna Kundali
Lagna Kundali
Nirayan Grah
Grah Rashi-Ansh Nakshatra-Pad Ra Swa Na Swa Awastha
Lagna Gemini- 9:44:14 Aadra -1 Mercury Rahu Kumar
Sun Cancer- 14:18:56 Pushya -4 Moon Saturn Yuva
Moon Pisces- 12:13:02 Uttarabhadrapad -3 Jupiter Saturn Yuva
Mars Nicchano Cancer- 26:55:56-C Aashlesha -4 Moon Mercury Balya
Mercury Cancer- 27:24:32-C Aashlesha -4 Moon Mercury Balya
Jupiter Sagittarius- 06:00:14 Mool -2 Jupiter Ketu Balya
Venus Gemini- 02:19:02 Mrugshirsh -3 Mercury Mars Balya
Saturn Taurus- 23:43:08 Mrugshirsh -1 Venus Mars Kumar
Rahu Capricorn- 01:59:20 Uttarashadha -2 Saturn Sun Mruta
Ketu Cancer- 01:59:20 Punarvasu -4 Moon Jupiter Mruta
Harshal Virgo- 21:23:32 Hast -4 Mercury Moon Kumar
Neptune Scorpio- 09:04:44 Anuradha -2 Mars Saturn Vruddha
Pluto Virgo- 06:32:32 Uttarafalguni -3 Mercury Sun Vruddha

Moon Chart

Moon Chart


Navamsha Chart
Ashtakavarga Kundli
Ashtakavarga Kundli
Vimshottari Mahadasha and Antardashas

Saturn (19y) Age -12

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Saturn 15 Dec 1959 16 Dec 1962
Mercury 16 Dec 1962 23 Aug 1965
Ketu 23 Aug 1965 01 Oct 1966
Venus 01 Oct 1966 29 Nov 1969
Sun 29 Nov 1969 11 Nov 1970
Moon 11 Nov 1970 11 Jun 1972
Mars 11 Jun 1972 20 Jul 1973
Rahu 20 Jul 1973 24 May 1976
Jupiter 24 May 1976 04 Dec 1978

Mercury (17y) Age 6

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Mercury 04 Dec 1978 30 Apr 1981
Ketu 30 Apr 1981 27 Apr 1982
Venus 27 Apr 1982 23 Feb 1985
Sun 23 Feb 1985 30 Dec 1985
Moon 30 Dec 1985 31 May 1987
Mars 31 May 1987 27 May 1988
Rahu 27 May 1988 13 Dec 1990
Jupiter 13 Dec 1990 19 Mar 1993
Saturn 19 Mar 1993 25 Nov 1995

Ketu (7y) Age 23

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Ketu 25 Nov 1995 22 Apr 1996
Venus 22 Apr 1996 22 Jun 1997
Sun 22 Jun 1997 28 Oct 1997
Moon 28 Oct 1997 29 May 1998
Mars 29 May 1998 25 Oct 1998
Rahu 25 Oct 1998 12 Nov 1999
Jupiter 12 Nov 1999 18 Oct 2000
Saturn 18 Oct 2000 26 Nov 2001
Mercury 26 Nov 2001 23 Nov 2002

Venus (20y) Age 30

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Venus 23 Nov 2002 22 Mar 2006
Sun 22 Mar 2006 22 Mar 2007
Moon 22 Mar 2007 19 Nov 2008
Mars 19 Nov 2008 19 Jan 2010
Rahu 19 Jan 2010 17 Jan 2013
Jupiter 17 Jan 2013 16 Sep 2015
Saturn 16 Sep 2015 14 Nov 2018
Mercury 14 Nov 2018 12 Sep 2021
Ketu 12 Sep 2021 12 Nov 2022

Sun (6y) Age 50

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Sun 12 Nov 2022 02 Mar 2023
Moon 02 Mar 2023 01 Sep 2023
Mars 01 Sep 2023 07 Jan 2024
Rahu 07 Jan 2024 30 Nov 2024
Jupiter 30 Nov 2024 18 Sep 2025
Saturn 18 Sep 2025 31 Aug 2026
Mercury 31 Aug 2026 07 Jul 2027
Ketu 07 Jul 2027 12 Nov 2027
Venus 12 Nov 2027 11 Nov 2028

Moon (10y) Age 56

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Moon 11 Nov 2028 11 Sep 2029
Mars 11 Sep 2029 12 Apr 2030
Rahu 12 Apr 2030 11 Oct 2031
Jupiter 11 Oct 2031 08 Feb 2033
Saturn 08 Feb 2033 09 Sep 2034
Mercury 09 Sep 2034 08 Feb 2036
Ketu 08 Feb 2036 08 Sep 2036
Venus 08 Sep 2036 09 May 2038
Sun 09 May 2038 08 Nov 2038

Mars (7y) Age 66

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Mars 08 Nov 2038 06 Apr 2039
Rahu 06 Apr 2039 23 Apr 2040
Jupiter 23 Apr 2040 30 Mar 2041
Saturn 30 Mar 2041 08 May 2042
Mercury 08 May 2042 05 May 2043
Ketu 05 May 2043 01 Oct 2043
Venus 01 Oct 2043 30 Nov 2044
Sun 30 Nov 2044 07 Apr 2045
Moon 07 Apr 2045 06 Nov 2045

Rahu (18y) Age 73

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Rahu 06 Nov 2045 17 Jul 2048
Jupiter 17 Jul 2048 09 Dec 2050
Saturn 09 Dec 2050 13 Oct 2053
Mercury 13 Oct 2053 30 Apr 2056
Ketu 30 Apr 2056 18 May 2057
Venus 18 May 2057 16 May 2060
Sun 16 May 2060 09 Apr 2061
Moon 09 Apr 2061 08 Oct 2062
Mars 08 Oct 2062 26 Oct 2063

Jupiter (16y) Age 91

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Jupiter 26 Oct 2063 12 Dec 2065
Saturn 12 Dec 2065 23 Jun 2068
Mercury 23 Jun 2068 28 Sep 2070
Ketu 28 Sep 2070 04 Sep 2071
Venus 04 Sep 2071 03 May 2074
Sun 03 May 2074 19 Feb 2075
Moon 19 Feb 2075 19 Jun 2076
Mars 19 Jun 2076 26 May 2077
Rahu 26 May 2077 18 Oct 2079
Birth Particulars
Gender Female Latitude 29N9
Birth Date 01 Jan 2012 Longitude 75E43
Birth Day Tuesday Lagna Scorpio-1:12:25
Birth Time 00:07 hrs Aynamsh 23:32:05
Birth Place Hisar Moon Sign Gemini
Country India Birth Nakshatra Aadra
Timezone 0530 hrs Nakshatra Pada 3
Avakhada Chakra (Your Birth Panchang)
Description: The table shown here contains various astrological terms which are obtained from your own Moon's position. Hence, this table is very useful in Vedic Astrology as it shows your own personalized information. This helps the native to determine the compatibility with others.
Birth Yog Aayusyaman Birth Vasya Manav
Birth Karan Gara Birth Yoni Swan
Birth Varga Manjar Birth Gana Manushya
Birth Varna Kshudra Birth Yunja Madhya
Birth Tatva Vayu Birth Nadi Adhya
Ghaat Chakra
Description: As the name suggests, Ghaat literally means negative or inauspicious. This table shows your personalized negative phenomenon of Panchang in which you should take extra care and precaution. Plus, the suggested day, tithi, month, nakshatra etc... should also be avoided to initiate any new or auspicious work.
Month Asadha Tithi Shukladashmi
Day Monday Nakshatra Swati
Yog Paridh Karan Chatuspad
Prahar Forth MaleMoon Aquarius
FemaleMoon Sagittarius
Lagna Kundali
Lagna Kundali
Nirayan Grah
Grah Rashi-Ansh Nakshatra-Pad Ra Swa Na Swa Awastha
Lagna Scorpio- 1:12:25 Vishakha -4 Mars Jupiter Mruta
Sun Aquarius- 16:32:14 Satbhisha -3 Saturn Rahu Yuva
Moon Gemini- 15:59:55 Aadra -3 Mercury Rahu Yuva
Mars Ucchano Capricorn- 21:24:22 Shravan -4 Saturn Moon Kumar
Mercury Aquarius- 03:48:29-C Dhanistha -4 Saturn Mars Balya
Jupiter Taurus- 00:47:07 Krutika -2 Venus Sun Mruta
Venus Ucchano Pisces- 26:46:57 Revati -4 Jupiter Mercury Balya
Saturn Cancer- 17:52:48 Aashlesha -1 Moon Mercury Yuva
Rahu Libra- 03:16:14 Chitra -3 Venus Mars Balya
Ketu Aries- 03:16:14 Ashwini -1 Mars Ketu Balya
Harshal Libra- 18:09:55 Swati -4 Venus Rahu Vruddha
Neptune Scorpio- 22:31:41 Jyestha -2 Mars Mercury Kumar
Pluto Virgo- 20:08:21 Hast -4 Mercury Moon Kumar

Moon Chart

Moon Chart


Navamsha Chart
Ashtakavarga Kundli
Ashtakavarga Kundli
Vimshottari Mahadasha and Antardashas

Rahu (18y) Age -12

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Rahu 06 Aug 1964 17 Apr 1967
Jupiter 17 Apr 1967 08 Sep 1969
Saturn 08 Sep 1969 13 Jul 1972
Mercury 13 Jul 1972 29 Jan 1975
Ketu 29 Jan 1975 16 Feb 1976
Venus 16 Feb 1976 14 Feb 1979
Sun 14 Feb 1979 08 Jan 1980
Moon 08 Jan 1980 08 Jul 1981
Mars 08 Jul 1981 26 Jul 1982

Jupiter (16y) Age 5

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Jupiter 26 Jul 1982 11 Sep 1984
Saturn 11 Sep 1984 24 Mar 1987
Mercury 24 Mar 1987 28 Jun 1989
Ketu 28 Jun 1989 04 Jun 1990
Venus 04 Jun 1990 31 Jan 1993
Sun 31 Jan 1993 19 Nov 1993
Moon 19 Nov 1993 20 Mar 1995
Mars 20 Mar 1995 24 Feb 1996
Rahu 24 Feb 1996 18 Jul 1998

Saturn (19y) Age 21

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Saturn 18 Jul 1998 19 Jul 2001
Mercury 19 Jul 2001 26 Mar 2004
Ketu 26 Mar 2004 04 May 2005
Venus 04 May 2005 02 Jul 2008
Sun 02 Jul 2008 14 Jun 2009
Moon 14 Jun 2009 13 Jan 2011
Mars 13 Jan 2011 21 Feb 2012
Rahu 21 Feb 2012 26 Dec 2014
Jupiter 26 Dec 2014 07 Jul 2017

Mercury (17y) Age 40

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Mercury 07 Jul 2017 02 Dec 2019
Ketu 02 Dec 2019 28 Nov 2020
Venus 28 Nov 2020 27 Sep 2023
Sun 27 Sep 2023 02 Aug 2024
Moon 02 Aug 2024 01 Jan 2026
Mars 01 Jan 2026 29 Dec 2026
Rahu 29 Dec 2026 16 Jul 2029
Jupiter 16 Jul 2029 21 Oct 2031
Saturn 21 Oct 2031 28 Jun 2034

Ketu (7y) Age 57

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Ketu 28 Jun 2034 24 Nov 2034
Venus 24 Nov 2034 24 Jan 2036
Sun 24 Jan 2036 31 May 2036
Moon 31 May 2036 30 Dec 2036
Mars 30 Dec 2036 28 May 2037
Rahu 28 May 2037 15 Jun 2038
Jupiter 15 Jun 2038 22 May 2039
Saturn 22 May 2039 29 Jun 2040
Mercury 29 Jun 2040 26 Jun 2041

Venus (20y) Age 64

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Venus 26 Jun 2041 23 Oct 2044
Sun 23 Oct 2044 23 Oct 2045
Moon 23 Oct 2045 23 Jun 2047
Mars 23 Jun 2047 22 Aug 2048
Rahu 22 Aug 2048 21 Aug 2051
Jupiter 21 Aug 2051 19 Apr 2054
Saturn 19 Apr 2054 17 Jun 2057
Mercury 17 Jun 2057 15 Apr 2060
Ketu 15 Apr 2060 15 Jun 2061

Sun (6y) Age 84

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Sun 15 Jun 2061 03 Oct 2061
Moon 03 Oct 2061 04 Apr 2062
Mars 04 Apr 2062 10 Aug 2062
Rahu 10 Aug 2062 04 Jul 2063
Jupiter 04 Jul 2063 21 Apr 2064
Saturn 21 Apr 2064 03 Apr 2065
Mercury 03 Apr 2065 07 Feb 2066
Ketu 07 Feb 2066 15 Jun 2066
Venus 15 Jun 2066 15 Jun 2067

Moon (10y) Age 90

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Moon 15 Jun 2067 14 Apr 2068
Mars 14 Apr 2068 13 Nov 2068
Rahu 13 Nov 2068 14 May 2070
Jupiter 14 May 2070 12 Sep 2071
Saturn 12 Sep 2071 12 Apr 2073
Mercury 12 Apr 2073 11 Sep 2074
Ketu 11 Sep 2074 12 Apr 2075
Venus 12 Apr 2075 10 Dec 2076
Sun 10 Dec 2076 11 Jun 2077

Mars (7y) Age 100

  • Antar
  • Begining
  • Ending
Mars 11 Jun 2077 07 Nov 2077
Rahu 07 Nov 2077 25 Nov 2078
Jupiter 25 Nov 2078 01 Nov 2079
Saturn 01 Nov 2079 09 Dec 2080
Mercury 09 Dec 2080 06 Dec 2081
Ketu 06 Dec 2081 04 May 2082
Venus 04 May 2082 04 Jul 2083
Sun 04 Jul 2083 09 Nov 2083
Moon 09 Nov 2083 09 Jun 2084